10 Benefits of Using Partners vs. Going Directly to the Vendor:

Partners provide many benefits to customer looking to purchase. Here are 10 benefits to use a partner to help with any vendor evaluation.


Deep Industry Knowledge

Partners help a variety of customers find and implement technology, they have a vast understanding of multiple use cases. Instead of focusing on general solutions, the partner can focus on detailed business problems. Partners have seen and been involved with the successful adoption of products across many different industries.


Integration Resources and Capabilities

Partners have a portfolio of products and vendors to introduce to customers. This enables them to be able to reach outside of internal resources to help the customer integrate or implement new solutions. Some partners also have teams that can help with project planning, development and/or implementation.


Custom Service and Support

Partners are invested in the success of the customer long after the sales cycle is over. They are incentivized by the vendor to keep engaging and supporting as it can lead to renewal of the existing contract and/or increase the overall value of the customer. Since partners focus on the success of the customer it allows them to provide customized service and advice. 


Trusted Adviser to Vendors

Partners are heavily trusted by vendors as they help bring new sales into the sales funnel. They also help bridge the gap between the sales team and the customer. Vendors can use a partner for communicating hard and complex messages. Since there isn’t any competing interests, the vendor can entrust in the partner to portray the product in a good light. 


No Restriction by Region or Country

Partners aren’t bound by sales or support regions/countries. They have the freedom to work without geographic boundaries for the customer. They can communicate with multiple sales or support reps assigned to a global project. Since they aren’t bound by region, there is no conflict with splitting commissions or sales quotas.


Protect Customer from Lengthly and Costly Sales Cycle

Partners regularly help customers choose product and vendors. They already have mountains of data and comparison charts to help speed up the discovery process. This can reduce the total amount of time and resources that would have to be put in by the customer to do a full RFP process. 


Focus Conversations to Solve Specific Business Needs

Partners can help focus the conversation between the vendor and the customer to accomplish the specific business needs and asks. Cutting through the surface level conversations and topics and getting to the root cause of the issue(s). They also focus the conversation on short and long term solutions for the business as they act as an extension of the customers team. 


Negotiate Best Contracts Terms and Rates

Partners help multiple different customer purchase product from vendors. This allows them the ability to negotiate lower rates, as the vendor want to provide competitive rates for all business brought in from the trusted partner. Since partners bring a larger aggregate volume to the vendor, they can help small businesses get large business license rates and contact terms. 


Affordable or Free Consultation

Partners usually get paid from the vendor, after contract signature. It is usually a referral fee that the vendor pays for the partner bringing in new business. This cost doesn’t get passed to the customer as it is apart of the vendors marking and sales commission budget. As a result, partners can offer free or extremely affordable consultation without having to charge high hourly consulting rates. 


No Sales Quota or Deadline

Partners have the freedom to support customers without being bound by a sales quota or deadline. This means that the sale process can go at the speed that the customer wants as opposed to a hard annual or quarterly deadline. Since there is no sales minimums, there is no incentive for the partner to help sell unnecessary add-ons or professional services. 

10 Benefits of Using Partners vs. Going Directly to the Vendor:

Partners provide many benefits to customer looking to purchase. Here are 10 benefits to use a partner to help with any vendor evaluation.

Deep Industry

Partners help a variety of customers find and implement technology, they have a vast understanding of multiple use cases. Instead of focusing on general solutions, the partner can focus on detailed business problems. Partners have seen and been involved with the successful adoption of products across many different industries.

Integration Resources and Capabilities

Partners have a portfolio of products and vendors to introduce to customers. This enables them to be able to reach outside of internal resources to help the customer integrate or implement new solutions. Some partners also have teams that can help with project planning, development and/or implementation.

Custom Service and Support

Partners are invested in the success of the customer long after the sales cycle is over. They are incentivized by the vendor to keep engaging and supporting as it can lead to renewal of the existing contract and/or increase the overall value of the customer. Since partners focus on the success of the customer it allows them to provide

Trusted Adviser

to Vendors

Partners are heavily trusted by vendors as they help bring new sales into the sales funnel. They also help bridge the gap between the sales team and the customer. Vendors can use a partner for communicating hard and complex messages. Since there isn’t any competing interests, the vendor can entrust in the partner to portray the product in a good light. 

No Restriction by Region or Country

Partners aren’t bound by sales or support regions/countries. They have the freedom to work without geographic boundaries for the customer. They can communicate with multiple sales or support reps assigned to a global project. Since they aren’t bound by region, there is no conflict with splitting commissions or sales quotas.

Affordable or Free Consultation

Partners usually get paid from the vendor, after contract signature. It is usually a referral fee that the vendor pays for the partner bringing in new business. This cost doesn’t get passed to the customer as it is apart of the vendors marking and sales commission budget. As a result, partners can offer free or extremely affordable consultation without having to charge high hourly consulting rates. 

Focus Conversations to Solve Specific Business Needs

Partners can help focus the conversation between the vendor and the customer to accomplish the specific business needs and asks. Cutting through the surface level conversations and topics and getting to the root cause of the issue(s). They also focus the conversation on short and long term solutions for the business as they act as an extension of the customers team. 

Protect Customers from Lengthly and Costly Sales Cycle

Partners regularly help customers choose product and vendors. They already have mountains of data and comparison charts to help speed up the discovery process. This can reduce the total amount of time and resources that would have to be put in by the customer to do a full RFP process. 

Negotiate Best

Contracts Terms and


Partners help multiple different customer purchase product from vendors. This allows them the ability to negotiate lower rates, as the vendor want to provide competitive rates for all business brought in from the trusted partner. Since partners bring a larger aggregate volume to the vendor, they can help small businesses get large business license rates and contact terms. 

No Sales Quota or Deadline

Partners have the freedom to support customers without being bound by a sales quota or deadline. This means that the sale process can go at the speed that the customer wants as opposed to a hard annual or quarterly deadline. Since there is no sales minimums, there is no incentive for the partner to help sell unnecessary add-ons or professional services. 

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Please contact us with any questions or if you would like more information about how we can help you source and manage your telecom & contact center services. 

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